Siemens Simatic S7-200 PLC CPU 226 | 6ES7216-2BD23-0XB0
The design of the Siemens Simatic S7-200 PLC CPU 226 6ES7216-2BD23-0XB0 is a compact unit. The type of power supply for this device is AC power supply. Siemens s7-200 CPU226 AC / DC /RLY (6ES7216-2BD23-0XB0) input type digital, and output type relay. The input number is 24 digital inputs, and the output number is 16 relay outputs. Also, it has 7 expansion modules.
With strong instructions, compact design as well as flexible configuration, the S7-200 CPU226 AC / DC / RLY – 6ES7216-2BD23-0XB0 is a perfect solution for a variety of application controls.
The Siemens S7-200 Global Controller saves installation space or physical space and landsmarks a modular design. You can mainly use a wide range of modules to expand the system.
Because they give us so many opportunities. With analog monitoring, control and high-speed speed control, advanced functions, as well as the S7-200 controller can share data through the communication network.
A modular programmable logic controller consists of several different modules that can be added together to create a customized controller. The central processing unit in the S7-200 is the heart of the S7-200.
The Siemens S-2-200 CPU is basically made to standard quality, and fail-safe. And offers compact size design with perfect input and output, helping and up to high-performance application with practical function and maximum demand. The S7-200 CPU delivers much more productivity and is very efficient for use in industrial automation technology.
Attribute | Value |
Program Memory | 16384 bytes |
Data Memory | 1024 bytes |
Memory Backup | 100 hours |
Input Type | Digital |
Number of Inputs | 24 |
Output Type | Relay |
Number of Outputs | 16 |
Real-time clock | Build-In |
Expansion Modules | 7 |
PLC Brand | Siemens |
Expansion | Yes |
Origin | Germany |
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